Among my hobbies and passions, Robotics, and Electrical Engineering rank high.
Here are some of the various projects I’ve designed, or built.
Shot Clock
- This is a small device utilizing an OLED, MCU, Microphone, and Piezo Buzzer.
- The function of this device is to time the response time for competition shooting from alert, to shots being made.

The Ultimate Cat Toy RC Car
- This is a 3-D Printed frame, using custom parts, and controller programming to create a Bluetooth controlled car capable of autonomous maneuvering.
- With custom designed gimbals, a laser LED is used to amuse your cats, as they chase the car and laser dot.

Rock Tumbler
- This is a 3D-printed frame, using an Arduino Nano, Stepper driver, and NEMA17 motor

Airsoft Mission Objective Toy
- This was an ArduinoMega, Key Pad, Piezo Buzzer, and various Input Buses.
- Airsoft games can be exceptionally entertaining, but having a mission objective is always better.
- Following the theme from some games, this was a device that had to be “Disarmed” before a loud piezo would sound. It included variables and settings the user could manage. Ranging from Pin code, trap circuits, and more. The device could be added to a game to enhance the experience.