Here are a collection of my various software projects. There are many more projects that I will be adding over time.
You can visit my Google Play profile here
Shooter’s Toolbox 2020
- Android app to manage and track your personal firearms, supplies, retailers, ranges, reloading data / supplies, and more.

TacDat 2008
Windows application utilizing a local or centralized MSSQL database to manage military mission data and intelligence reporting.
In 2008, while stationed at a FOB in the Diyala province of Iraq. I suffered a broken collar bone. Since my injury precluded me from performing my typical military duties, I chose to collaborate with my company commander to produce a software solution to consolidate all the intelligence reports from the various platoons. TacDat featured various custom features as requested from my Commander, and various Lieutenants. Some of these features included.
- Transliteration for names. This feature functioned like a spell check for names to ensure uniform and accurate information.
- Tracking events on imagery maps, using the MGRS (Military Grid Reference System). Displaying locations and types of events at those locations.
- Wizard based record entry for mission debrief. This used a multi layered and multi set wizard that would ensure appropriate information was logged and highlighted as needed.
- Full forensic history of all database records. No record was ever deleted from the database, as records were updated, or “Removed” they were recorded in a backup database that showed the original record content, the new content, and what user made the changes.
- Export intelligence reports to multiple file formats. Our command used Microsoft PowerPoint for Intel debrief meetings. The program also exported records in Adobe PDF Format.
- Integrated record downloads from HIIDE (Handheld Interagency Identity Detection Equipment) devices, which were a part of the Biometric Automated Tool set. These were biometric devices that recorded fingerprints, retina scans, photographs, and manually entered identification data. By deconstructing the files exported from these devices, I was able to integrate the information into my database and individual person records.
Viginere 2003
Windows app (being ported to Android), custom variation of the Viginere cypher, creating more complex and secure messages.
While working as a contractor in downtown Portland, I was reading a book on the evolution of cryptography. One particular cypher caught my attention. It suffered from the flaw of Frequency Analysis, but I thought to my self, “What if, the encryption process was redundant, so the number become encrypted to new numbers, and there were Null characters inserted randomly”. This then lead into my first experience programming with C#. Some of the more notable features of this app were.
- The ability to select how many passes the results of the encryption passed through. Since the cypher converts letters to numbers, I would then pass the resulting numbers through additional encryption passes so that there could be no frequency analysis of the encrypted text.
- Save and export results to a text file, or if the resulting cypher text were too long, saving to a compressed Zip file.